
There are different methods of installation, depending on your situation.

  1. Packaged installation is recommended for regular users.

  2. Daily build installation is recommended for power users helping with testing.

  3. Source installation is recommended for developers.

Packaged installation

IfcSverchok is packaged like a regular Blender add-on, so installation is the same as any other Blender add-on. Download IfcSverchok here.

Like all Blender add-ons, they can be installed using Edit > Preferences > Addons > Install > Choose Downloaded ZIP > Enable Add-on Checkbox. You can enable add-ons permanently by using Save User Settings from the Addons menu.

Before installing, you will also need to install the BlenderBIM Add-on and install Sverchok.

If you downloaded Blender as a .zip file without running an installer, you will find IfcSverchok installed in the following directory, where 2.XX is the Blender version:


Otherwise, if you installed Blender using an installation package, the add-ons folder depends on which operating system you use. On Linux:


On Mac:

/Users/{YOUR_USER}/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.XX/

On Windows:

C:\Users\{YOUR_USER}\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\2.XX\scripts\addons

Upon installation, IfcSverchok is stored in the ifcsverchok/ directory.

Daily build installation

Daily builds are almost the same as Packaged installation, except that they are typically updated every day. Simply download a daily build from the Github releases page, then follow the same instructions as a packaged installation.

TODO: daily builds not yet available

Daily builds are not always stable. Sometimes, a build may be delayed, or contain broken code. We try to avoid this, but it happens.

Source installation

It is possible to run the latest bleeding edge version of IfcSverchok without having to wait for an official release, since IfcSverchok is coded in Python and doesn’t require any compilation.

Just symbolically link the IfcSverchok add-on files to your Git repository. If you’re on Windows, use mklink instead. This allows us to code in our Git repository, and see the changes in our Blender installation.

git clone
cd IfcOpenShell

# Link the repository to blender
ln -s src/ifcsverchok /path/to/blender/2.XX/scripts/addons/ifcsverchok

On Windows:

git clone
cd IfcOpenShell

# Link the repository to blender
mklink /D "\path\to\blender\2.XX\scripts\addons\ifcsverchok" "\path\to\src\ifcsverchok"

After you modify your code in the Git repository, you will need to restart Blender for the changes to take effect. In Edit > Preferences > Add-ons you will see that the version number of IfcSverchok has changed to 0.0.999999, which represents an un-versioned IfcSverchok.


First uninstall the current IfcSverchok, then install the latest version.


Navigate to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons, find the IfcSverchok add-on, and press Remove.

Alternatively, you may uninstall manually by deleting the ifcsverchok/ directory in your Blender add-ons directory.