
Module Contents

ifcopenshell.api.georeference.add_georeferencing.add_georeferencing(file: ifcopenshell.file, ifc_class: str = 'IfcMapConversion', name: str = 'EPSG:3857') None

Add empty georeferencing entities to a model

By default, models are not georeferenced. Georeferencing requires two entities: a definition of the projected coordinated reference system (CRS) used, and the transformation parameters between any local coordinate system and that projected CRS if any.

This function will create the entities to store the projected CRS and map conversion transformation, but will leave all the parameters blank. It is this the users responsibility to specify the correct georeferencing parameters. See ifcopenshell.api.georeference.edit_georeferencing.


ifc_class – A type of IfcCoordinateOperation. For IFC2X3, this has no impact and only uses ePSet_MapConversion.

