
Module Contents

class ifcopenshell.api.material.assign_profile.Usecase
change_profile(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) None
execute() None
file: ifcopenshell.file
ifcopenshell.api.material.assign_profile.assign_profile(file: ifcopenshell.file, material_profile: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, profile: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) None

Changes the profile curve of a material profile item in a profile set

In addition to changing the profile curve, it will also change the profile curve used in any body representation extrusions.

  • material_profile (ifcopenshell.entity_instance) – The IfcMaterialProfile to change the profile curve of. See ifcopenshell.api.material.add_profile to see how to create profiles.

  • profile (ifcopenshell.entity_instance) – The IfcProfileDef to set the profile item’s curve to.



Return type:



# Let's imagine we have a steel I-beam. Notice we are assigning to
# the type only, as all occurrences of that type will automatically
# inherit the material.
beam_type = ifcopenshell.api.root.create_entity(model, ifc_class="IfcBeamType", name="B1")

# First, let's create a material set. This will later be assigned
# to our beam type element.
material_set = ifcopenshell.api.material.add_profile_set(model,
    name="B1", set_type="IfcMaterialProfileSet")

# Create a steel material.
steel = ifcopenshell.api.material.add_material(model, name="ST01", category="steel")

# Create an I-beam profile curve. Notice how we name our profiles
# based on standardised steel profile names.
hea100 = usecase.file.create_entity(
    "IfcIShapeProfileDef", ProfileName="HEA100", ProfileType="AREA",
    OverallWidth=100, OverallDepth=96, WebThickness=5, FlangeThickness=8, FilletRadius=12,

# Define that steel material and cross section as a single profile
# item. If this were a composite beam, we might add multiple profile
# items instead, but this is rarely the case in most construction.
profile_item = ifcopenshell.api.material.add_profile(model,
    profile_set=material_set, material=steel, profile=hea100)

# Great! Let's assign our material set to our beam type.
ifcopenshell.api.material.assign_material(model, products=[beam_type], material=material_set)

# Let's create an occurrence of this beam.
beam = ifcopenshell.api.root.create_entity(model, ifc_class="IfcBeam", name="B1.01")
    products=[beam], type="IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage")

# Let's give a 1000mm long beam body representation.
body = ifcopenshell.api.geometry.add_profile_representation(
    context=body_context, profile=hea100, depth=1000)
ifcopenshell.api.geometry.assign_representation(model, product=beam, representation=body)
ifcopenshell.api.geometry.edit_object_placement(model, product=beam)

# Now let's change the profile to a HEA200 standard profile instead.
# This will automatically change the body representation that we
# just added as well to a HEA200 profile.
hea200 = usecase.file.create_entity(
    "IfcIShapeProfileDef", ProfileName="HEA200", ProfileType="AREA",
    OverallWidth=200, OverallDepth=190, WebThickness=6.5, FlangeThickness=10, FilletRadius=18,
ifcopenshell.api.material.assign_profile(model, material_profile=profile_item, profile=hea200)