Module Contents¶
- class ifcpatch.recipes.ResetSpatialElementLocations.Patcher(file, logger, ifc_class='IfcSite')¶
Resets the location of a spatial element to 0,0,0
Another more specialised patch to fix incorrect coordinate usage is to reset the location of spatial elements (sites, buildings, storeys) back to 0,0,0.
- Parameters:
ifc_class (str) – The class of spatial element to reset coordinates for.
# All IfcSites will shift back to 0,0,0. ifcpatch.execute({"input": "input.ifc", "file": model, "recipe": "ResetSpatialElementLocations", "arguments": ["IfcSite"]})
- find_decomposed_ifc_class(element, ifc_class)¶
- patch()¶
- patch_placement_to_origin(element)¶
- file¶
- ifc_class = 'IfcSite'¶
- logger¶