Facility managers (FM) need to know a lot of information about the building in order to maintain the facility and its assets effectively. This includes information about spaces, services, and key equipment, such as who to call when things break, what the model number is, the warranty period, associated certificates, what valve or circuit breaker must be shut off prior to maintenance, and a punch list of periodic maintenance tasks.

Traditionally, this information is collected in numerous operations and maintenance (O&M) manuals. IFC can collect this information incrementally throughout the design development, construction, and commissioning stages of a project. IFC’s standardised and rich digital relationships can describe the information that facility managers need. The most popular requirements specification for IFC-based digital FM data is known as COBie 2.4.

Despite already requesting and receiving IFC deliverables, many clients still request FM data in a spreadsheet format. Unfortunately, many of these spreadsheet deliverables are not produced from IFC databases. This defeats the purpose of BIM: asset data is no longer richly stored using international standards and the BIM model may no longer be trusted.

IfcFM is a highly standards-compliant tool to convert FM data in IFC databases to spreadsheets and other machine readable formats, such as ODS, XLSX, CSV, Pandas, XML, and JSON. These formats may then be easily read, audited, or imported into technologies that cannot work with IFC natively.


pip install ifcfm

Supported data standards

IfcFM assumes that you want to convert IFC data grouped into one or more categories of data (e.g. list of assets, list of spare parts, list of documents and certificates, etc). Each category of data includes a list or schedule of information, and may reference information in other categories. In a spreadsheet format, each category correlates to a worksheet, where each worksheet focuses on one type of data and has multiple columns (e.g. name of manufacturer, point of contact, etc). There are four data standards compatible with this data structure that IfcFM supports:

  • COBie 2.4: the most popular requirements specification for FM data currently in use first published in 2007. It specifies requirements to collect almost 20 categories of data, focusing on maintainable equipment and finishes. It is published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National Building Information Model (NBIMS-US) standard, version 2, chapter 2.4, and in British Standard BS 1192-4:2014.

  • COBie 2.4 Legacy: During the original development of COBie 2.4, a mapping to IFC was developed as part of the now unmaintained COBie-plugins and loosely defined in Annex A with a number of ambiguities and oddities to accommodate the poor state of BIM vendors at the time. This preserves the original implementation.

  • COBie 3.0: an update to COBie 2.4 published by the National Building Information Model (NBIMS-US) standard. Unlike COBie 2.4, it is not a British Standard nor developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

  • AOH-BSEM: a draft specification by buildingSMART based on the lessons learned from the implementation of COBie 2.4, as part of a modular approach to asset data exchange that supports not just buildings, but infrastructure projects too. AOH-BSEM is set to supersede COBIE 3.0 with a focus primarily on equipment maintenance.

  • Vanilla IFC: Regardless of any “named” requirement such as above, IFC itself contains a number of standardised property sets and object types related to assets, warranties, manufacturers, and construction / installation. As expected, the majority of these are already referenced in named standards. “Vanilla” IFC offers a “specification agnostic” approach towards facility management data collection.

COBie 2.4 vs COBie 2.4 Legacy

In collaboration with leading UK consultancy BuildData Group (formerly Bond Bryan Digital), and inventor of COBie 2.4 Bill East (Prarie Sky Consulting), an effort was made to preserve the original IFC mapping, as well as modernise the mapping with the following goals:

  1. For anyone delivering COBie 2.4 data using best practices from graphical BIM software, there must be no difference between COBie 2.4 and COBie 2.4 Legacy. It must not contradict any specifications in the official NBIMS-US and BS standards.

  2. Update compatibility to IFC4X3.

  3. Prioritise organisational data instead of personal data with discourage PII.

  4. Prioritise bSI standardised property sets over custom ones.

  5. Prevent needless repetition of data / fallback defaults that may result in invalid or unexpected data in obscure edge cases.


Here is a minimal example of how to use IfcFm as a Python module or CLI utility:

$ python -m ifcfm -h

usage: __main__.py [-h] [-p PRESET] -i IFC [-s SPREADSHEET] [-f FORMAT] [-d DELIMITER] [-n NULL] [-e EMPTY] [--bool_true BOOL_TRUE] [--bool_false BOOL_FALSE]

Extracts FM data from IFC to spreadsheets

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-p PRESET, --preset PRESET
                        The FM standard to extract. Built-in preset standards include cobie24, cobie3, aohbsem, and basic.
-i IFC, --ifc IFC     The IFC file
                        The spreadsheet file, or directory if the format is csv. Defaults to output.ods
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        The format, chosen from csv, ods, or xlsx. Defaults to ods.
                        The delimiter in CSV. Defaults to a comma.
-n NULL, --null NULL  How to represent null values. Defaults to N/A.
-e EMPTY, --empty EMPTY
                        How to represent empty strings. Defaults to a hyphen.
--bool_true BOOL_TRUE
                        How to represent true values. Defaults to YES.
--bool_false BOOL_FALSE
                        How to represent false values. Defaults to NO.

A minimal example on how to use IfcFm as a library:

import ifcfm
import ifcopenshell
from pathlib import Path

filepath = Path("cobie/test.ifc")
ifc_file = ifcopenshell.open(filepath)

parser = ifcfm.Parser(preset="cobie24")

writer = ifcfm.Writer(parser)

# Save the results in the format you need.
writer.write_csv(str(filepath.parent / "csv")) # Need to provide a folder, not filepath.