
Reads and writes encoded GlobalIds.

IFC entities may be identified using a unique ID (called a UUID or GUID). This 128-bit label is often represented in the form ` xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. ` However, in IFC, it is also usually stored as a 22 character base 64 encoded string. This module lets you convert between these representations and generate new UUIDs.

NOTE: The Ifc convention for Base64 encoding differs from the standard.

The “digits” of a standard Base64 encoding are as follows: ` ABC...XYZ abc...XYZ 012...89 +/ ` (see <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4648.txt>, <https://base64.guru/learn/base64-characters>), whereas the Ifc convention is ` 012...89 ABC...XYZ abc...XYZ _$ ` cf. <https://technical.buildingsmart.org/resources/ifcimplementationguidance/ifc-guid>.

Module Contents

ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid: str, /) str

Converts a hex-encoded UUID to a base64-encoded GUID in IFC-format.

See <https://technical.buildingsmart.org/resources/ifcimplementationguidance/ifc-guid>

ifcopenshell.guid.expand(guid: str, /) str

Converts a base64-encoded GUID in IFC-format to a hex-encoded UUID.

See <https://technical.buildingsmart.org/resources/ifcimplementationguidance/ifc-guid>

ifcopenshell.guid.new() str

Generates a random UUID and compresses it to a Base 64 IFC GUID.

ifcopenshell.guid.split(uuid: str, /) str

Formats a UUID as ` xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx `