Module Contents¶
- class ifcopenshell.util.element.ReferenceData¶
- inverse_attribute¶
- rel_class¶
- relating_element_attribute¶
- ifcopenshell.util.element.batch_remove_deep2(ifc_file: ifcopenshell.file) None ¶
Enable batch removal after running remove_deep2 using serialisation
See #944 and #3226. Removing elements in an IFC graph is slow as a lot of mappings need to be edited. In larger models (>100MB) and when removing many elements (>10000), it is faster to serialise the IFC, remove elements using string replacement, and then reload the modified serialised IFC.
The trade-off is that extra memory will be used, and string replacement only works with remove_deep2 where the removed elements have no inverses. In addition, transaction history will be lost, and any scripts using this method will have to refetch elements from the reloaded IFC and cannot rely on existing variables in memory.
- Parameters:
ifc_file – The IFC file object
element1 = model.by_id(123) element2 = model.by_id(456) ifcopenshell.util.element.batch_remove_deep2(model) ifcopenshell.util.element.remove_deep2(model, element2) # Notice how we reload the model. model = ifcopenshell.util.element.unbatch_remove_deep2(model) print(element1) # Don't call element1!
- ifcopenshell.util.element.copy(ifc_file: ifcopenshell.file, element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) ifcopenshell.entity_instance ¶
Copy a single element. Any referenced elements are not copied.
GlobalIds are regenerated.
- Parameters:
ifc_file – The IFC file object
element – The IFC element to copy
- Returns:
The newly copied element
- ifcopenshell.util.element.copy_deep(ifc_file: ifcopenshell.file, element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, exclude: Sequence[str] | None = None, exclude_callback: Callable[[ifcopenshell.entity_instance], bool] | None = None, copied_entities: dict[int, ifcopenshell.entity_instance] | None = None) ifcopenshell.entity_instance ¶
Recursively copy an element and all of its directly related subelements.
GlobalIds are regenerated.
- Parameters:
ifc_file – The IFC file object
element – The IFC element to copy
exclude – An optional list of strings of IFC class names to not copy. If any of the subelement is this class, it will not be copied and the original instance will be referenced.
exclude_callback – A callback to determine whether or not to exclude an entity or not. Returns True to exclude and False to exclude.
copied_entities – A dictionary of IDs as keys and entities as values to reuse when coming across the same entity twice. This can typically be left as None.
- Returns:
The newly copied element
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_aggregate(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) ifcopenshell.entity_instance | None ¶
Retrieves the aggregate parent of an element.
- Parameters:
element – The IFC element
- Returns:
The aggregate of the element
element = file.by_type("IfcBeam")[0] aggregate = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_aggregate(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_components(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, include_ports: bool = False) list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Retrieves the components of an element that have an nest relationship.
For nested ports, see ifcopenshell.util.system.
- Parameters:
element – The IFC element
include_ports – Default as False. Set to true if you also want to get ports.
- Returns:
The components of the element
element = file.by_type("IfcElementAssembly")[0] components = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_components(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_contained(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Retrieves the contained elements of spatial element.
- Parameters:
element – The IFC element
- Returns:
The parts of the element
element = file.by_type("IfcBuildingStorey")[0] elements = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_contained(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_container(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, should_get_direct: bool = False, ifc_class: str | None = None) ifcopenshell.entity_instance | None ¶
Retrieves the spatial structure container of an element.
- Parameters:
element – The IFC element
should_get_direct – If True, a result is only returned if the element is directly contained in a spatial structure element. If False, an indirect spatial container may be returned, such as if an element is a part of an aggregate, and then if that aggregate is contained in a spatial structure element.
ifc_class – Optionally filter the type of container you’re after. For example, you may be after the storey, not a space.
- Returns:
The direct or indirect container of the element or None.
element = file.by_type("IfcWall")[0] container = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_container(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_decomposition(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, is_recursive=True) set[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Retrieves all subelements of an element based on the spatial decomposition hierarchy. This includes all subspaces and elements contained in subspaces, parts of an aggregate, all openings, and all fills of any openings.
- Parameters:
element – The IFC element
- Returns:
The decomposition of the element
element = file.by_type("IfcProject")[0] decomposition = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_decomposition(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_elements_by_layer(ifc_file: ifcopenshell.file, layer: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) set[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Get all the elements that are used by a presentation layer
- Parameters:
ifc_file – The IFC file
layer – The IfcPresentationLayerAssignment layer
- Returns:
The elements using the geometric representation
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_elements_by_material(ifc_file: ifcopenshell.file, material: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) set[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Retrieves the elements related to a material.
This includes elements using the material as part of a material set or set usage.
- Parameters:
ifc_file – The IFC file
material – The IFC Material entity
- Returns:
A set of elements using the to the material
material = file.by_type("IfcMaterial")[0] elements = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_elements_by_material(file, material)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_elements_by_profile(profile: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) set[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Get all elements using provided IfcProfileDef.
Skip elements that have the profile in IfcMaterialProfileSet but not actually use it in their representations.
- Parameters:
profile – IfcProfileDef:
- Returns:
The elements using the profile.
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_elements_by_pset(pset: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) set[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Retrieve the elements (or element types) that are using the provided property set.
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_elements_by_representation(ifc_file: ifcopenshell.file, representation: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) set[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Gets all elements using a geometric representation
- Parameters:
ifc_file – The IFC file
representation – The IfcShapeRepresentation representation
- Returns:
The elements using the geometric representation
representation = file.by_type("IfcShapeRepresentation")[0] elements = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_elements_by_representation(file, representation)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_elements_by_style(ifc_file: ifcopenshell.file, style: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) set[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Retrieves the elements whose geometric representation uses a style
- Parameters:
ifc_file – The IFC file
style – The IfcPresentationStyle entity
- Returns:
The elements related to the style
style = file.by_type("IfcSurfaceStyle")[0] elements = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_elements_by_style(file, style)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_filled_void(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) ifcopenshell.entity_instance | None ¶
If the element is filling a void, get the void
Examples include windows and doors which fill a opening inside a wall.
- Parameters:
element – The building element, typically a window or door
- Returns:
The IfcOpeningElement that it is filling
window = file.by_type("IfcWindow")[0] opening = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_filled_void(window)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_grouped_by(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, is_recursive: bool = True) list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Retrieves all subelements of an element based on the group.
- Parameters:
element – IfcGroup entity
- Returns:
All subelements of the group
element = file.by_type("IfcGroup")[0] subelements = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_grouped_by(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_groups(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Retrieves the groups of an element.
- Parameters:
element – The IFC element
- Returns:
List of IfcGroups element is assigned to.
wall = file.by_type("IfcWall")[0] group = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_groups(element)[0]
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_layers(ifc_file: ifcopenshell.file, element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Get the CAD layers that an element is part of
An element may have portions or all of its geometry assigned to a traditional CAD presentation layer.
- Parameters:
ifc_file – The IFC file object
element – The IFC element to interrogate
- Returns:
A list of IfcPresentationLayerAssignment
element = ifcopenshell.by_type("IfcWall")[0] layers = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_layers(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_material(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, should_skip_usage=False, should_inherit=True) ifcopenshell.entity_instance | None ¶
Gets the material of the element
The material may be a single material, material set (layered, profiled, or constituent), or a material set usage.
- Parameters:
element – The element to get the material of.
should_skip_usage – If set to True, if the material is a material set usage, the material set itself will be returned. Useful if you don’t care about occurrence usage parameters. If False, the usage will be returned.
should_inherit – If True, any inherited materials from associated types will be considered.
- Returns:
The associated material of the element or None.
element = ifcopenshell.by_type("IfcWall")[0] material = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_material(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_materials(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, should_inherit: bool = True) list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Gets individual materials of an element
If the element has a material set, the individual materials of that set are returned as a list.
- Parameters:
element – The element to get the materials of.
should_inherit – If True, any inherited materials from associated types will be considered.
- Returns:
The associated materials of the element.
element = ifcopenshell.by_type("IfcWall")[0] materials = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_materials(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_nest(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) ifcopenshell.entity_instance | None ¶
Retrieves the nest parent of an element.
- Parameters:
element – The IFC element
- Returns:
The nested whole of the element
element = file.by_type("IfcBeam")[0] aggregate = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_nest(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_parent(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) ifcopenshell.entity_instance | None ¶
Get the parent in the spatial heirarchy
IFC features a spatial hierarchy tree of all objects. Each spatial element or physical element must be located inside this hierarchy exactly once.
The top level parent of this tree is the IfcProject, which has no parent.
All children may have parent-child relationships of one of the following types:
Spatial containment: a physical object is located in a space
Aggregation: a physical object is broken up into parts, or a spatial location is split into sub locations
Nesting: components are attached to a host parent
Filling: the physical element fills an opening, such as a window filling a hole
Voiding: the opening voids another physical element, such as a hole in a wall
- Parameters:
element – Any physical or spatial element in the tree
- Returns:
Its parent. This must exist for any valid file, or None if we’ve reached the IfcProject.
element = file.by_type("IfcWall")[0] parent = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_parent(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_parts(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Retrieves the parts of an element that have an aggregation relationship.
- Parameters:
element – The IFC element
- Returns:
The parts of the element
element = file.by_type("IfcElementAssembly")[0] parts = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_parts(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_predefined_type(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) str ¶
Retrieves the PrefefinedType attribute of an element.
If the predefined type is user defined, the custom type (such as object type, element type, or process type depending on the class) is returned instead. Predefined types from the associated type element are also considered first.
- Parameters:
element – The IFC Element entity
- Returns:
The predefined type of the element
element = ifcopenshell.by_type("IfcWall")[0] predefined_type = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_predefined_type(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_properties(properties: list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance], verbose: Literal[False] = False) dict[str, Any] ¶
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_properties(properties: list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance], verbose: Literal[True]) dict[str, dict[str, Any]]
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_property(properties: list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance], name: str, verbose: Literal[False] = False) Any ¶
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_property(properties: list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance], name: str, verbose: Literal[True]) dict[str, Any]
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_property_definition(definition: ifcopenshell.entity_instance | None, prop: None = None, verbose=False) dict[str, Any] ¶
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_property_definition(definition: ifcopenshell.entity_instance | None, prop: str, verbose=False) Any
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_property_definition(definition: None, prop: None = None, verbose: bool = False) None
if prop name is not provided in prop, will return dict of all available properties otherwise will return the value of the specified prop.
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_pset(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, name: str, prop: str | None = None, psets_only: bool = False, qtos_only: bool = False, should_inherit: bool = True, verbose: bool = False) Any | dict[str, Any] ¶
Retrieve a single property set or single property
This is more efficient than ifcopenshell.util.element.get_psets if you know exactly which property set and property you are after.
If should_inherit is true, the pset “id” only refers to the ID of the occurrence, not the type’s pset.
- Parameters:
element – The IFC Element entity
name – The name of the pset
prop – The name of the property
psets_only – Default as False. Set to true if only property sets are needed.
qtos_only – Default as False. Set to true if only quantities are needed.
should_inherit – Default as True. Set to false if you don’t want to inherit property sets from the Type.
- Returns:
A dictionary of property names and values, or a single value if a property is specified.
element = ifc_file.by_type("IfcWall")[0] psets_and_qtos = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_pset(element, "Pset_WallCommon")
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_psets(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, psets_only=False, qtos_only=False, should_inherit=True, verbose=False) dict[str, dict[str, Any]] ¶
Retrieve property sets, their related properties’ names & values and ids.
If should_inherit is true, the pset “id” only refers to the ID of the occurrence, not the type’s pset.
- Parameters:
element – The IFC Element entity
psets_only – Default as False. Set to true if only property sets are needed.
qtos_only – Default as False. Set to true if only quantities are needed.
should_inherit – Default as True. Set to false if you don’t want to inherit property sets from the Type.
verbose – More detailed prop values, defaults to False.
- Returns:
Key, value pair of psets’ names and their properties’ names & values
element = ifc_file.by_type("IfcWall")[0] psets = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_psets(element, psets_only=True) qsets = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_psets(element, qtos_only=True) psets_and_qtos = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_psets(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_quantities(quantities: list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance], verbose: Literal[False] = False) dict[str, Any] ¶
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_quantities(quantities: list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance], verbose: Literal[True]) dict[str, dict[str, Any]]
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_quantity(quantities: list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance], name: str, verbose: Literal[False] = False) Any ¶
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_quantity(quantities: list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance], name: str, verbose: Literal[True]) dict[str, Any]
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_referenced_elements(reference: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) set[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Get all elements with assigned reference
- Parameters:
reference – IfcExternalReference/IfcExternalInformation subtype reference
- Returns:
The elements with assigned reference
reference = file.by_type("IfcClassificationReference")[0] elements = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_referenced_elements(reference)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_referenced_structures(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Retreives a list of referenced spatial elements
Typically useful for multistorey elements, such as columns or facade elements, or elements that span multiple spaces or in-between spaces, such as stairs, doors, etc.
- Parameters:
element – The IFC element
- Returns:
A list of IfcSpatialElement
element = file.by_type("IfcWall")[0] print(ifcopenshell.util.element.get_referenced_structures(element))
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_shape_aspects(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Get element’s shape aspects.
- Parameters:
element – IfcProduct or IfcTypeProduct.
- Returns:
The associated shape aspects of the element.
element = ifcopenshell.by_type("IfcWall")[0] shape_aspect = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_shape_aspects(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_structure_referenced_elements(structure: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) set[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Retreives a set of elements referenced by a structure
- Parameters:
structure – IfcSpatialElement
- Returns:
A set of referenced elements, IfcSpatialReferenceSelect
element = file.by_type("IfcBuildingStorey")[0] print(ifcopenshell.util.element.get_structure_referenced_elements(element))
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_styles(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Retrieves the styles used in an element’s representation.
Styles may be retreived from the material or the body representation.
- Parameters:
element – The element to get the styles of.
- Returns:
A list of surface styles
wall = file.by_type("IfcWall")[0] styles = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_styles(wall)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_type(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) ifcopenshell.entity_instance | None ¶
Retrieves the construction type element of an element occurrence.
Note: get_type(type_element) == type_element.
- Parameters:
element – The element occurrence (IfcObject)
- Returns:
The related type element
element = ifcopenshell.by_type("IfcWall")[0] element_type = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_type(element)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_types(type: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] ¶
Get all the occurrences of a type element
- Parameters:
type – The type element
- Returns:
A list of occurrences of that type
element_type = ifcopenshell.by_type("IfcWallType")[0] walls = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_types(element_type)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.get_voided_element(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) ifcopenshell.entity_instance | None ¶
For an opening, get the building element that the opening is voiding
For all valid models, this should never return None.
- Parameters:
element – The IfcOpeningElement
- Returns:
The building element, such as a wall or slab
opening = file.by_type("IfcOpeningElement")[0] element = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_voided_element(opening)
- ifcopenshell.util.element.has_element_reference(value: Any, element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) bool ¶
- ifcopenshell.util.element.has_property(product: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, property_name: str) bool ¶
Check if a product has a property with a given name.
- Parameters:
product – The IFC product
property_name – The property name
- Returns:
True if the product has the property, False otherwise
product = file.by_type("IfcWall")[0] has_property = ifcopenshell.util.element.has_property(product, "NetArea")
- ifcopenshell.util.element.remove_deep(ifc_file: ifcopenshell.file, element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) None ¶
Recursively purges a subgraph safely.
Do not use, use remove_deep2() instead.
- ifcopenshell.util.element.remove_deep2(ifc_file: ifcopenshell.file, element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, also_consider: list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] = [], do_not_delete: list[ifcopenshell.entity_instance] = []) None ¶
Recursively purges a subgraph safely, starting at an element
This should always be used instead of remove_deep. See #1812. The start element must have no inverses. The subgraph to be purged is calculated using all forward relationships determined by the traverse() function.
The deletion process starts at element and traverses forward through the subgraph. Each subelement is checked for any inverses outside the subgraph. If there are no inverses outside, it may be safely purged. If there are inverses that aren’t part of this subgraph, that subelement, and all of its subelements (i.e. that entire branch of subelements) will not be deleted as it is used elsewhere.
For simple subgraphs, traverse() is sufficient to fully represent all related subelements. When it isn’t, the
argument may be used. These are typically inverses futher down the subelement chain.Note that remove_deep2 will _not_ remove elements in also_consider. Instead, it is only used as a consideration for whether or not an element has all inverses fully contained in the subgraph.
The do_not_delete argument contains all elements that may be part of the subgraph but are protected from deletion.
- Parameters:
ifc_file – The IFC file object
also_consider – elements to also consider as a part of a subgraph
do_not_delete – elements to protect from deletion
element – The starting element that defines the subgraph
- ifcopenshell.util.element.replace_attribute(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, old: Any, new: Any) None ¶
- ifcopenshell.util.element.replace_element(element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, replacement: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) None ¶
- ifcopenshell.util.element.unbatch_remove_deep2(ifc_file: ifcopenshell.file) ifcopenshell.file ¶
Finish removing elements batched from remove_deep2 using string replacement
See documentation for batch_remove_deep2.
- Parameters:
ifc_file – The IFC file object
- Returns:
A newly loaded file with the elements removed.
- ifcopenshell.util.element.MATERIAL_TYPE¶
- ifcopenshell.util.element.REFERENCE_TYPES: dict[str, ReferenceData]¶