IfcConvert is a command-line application for converting IFC geometry into file formats such as OBJ, DAE, GLB, STP, IGS, XML, SVG, H5, CityJSON, TTL/WKT, and IFC-SPF itself.
For other formats, you may use other IfcOpenShell utilities as shown in the table below.
From Format |
To Format |
Tool |
.ifc |
.obj, .dae, .glb, .stp, .igs, .xml, .svg, .h5, .cityjson, .ttl, .ifc |
IfcConvert |
.ifc |
.dae, .abc, .usd, .obj, .ply, .stl, .fbx, .glb, .gltf, .x3d, .dxf |
.ifc |
.ifcZIP, .ifcXML, .ifc |
.ifc |
.ifcJSON |
.ifc |
.ifc (IFC2X3, IFC4, IFC4X3), SQLite, MySQL |
.ifc |
.json (Code_Aster), .comm (Code_Aster) |
.ifc |
.xml (Oracle P6), .xml (MS Project) |
.ifc |
.csv, .ods, .xlsx |
.ifc |
.csv, .ods, .xlsx, Pandas DataFrame |
.csv |
.ifc |
.csv |
.ifc |
.dxf |
.ifc |
.obj |
.ifc |
.json (CityJSON) |
.ifc |
.xer (Oracle P6) |
.ifc |
.xml (Oracle P6) |
.ifc |
.xml (MS Project) |
.ifc |
.xml (Powerproject) |
.ifc |