Module Contents¶
- ifcopenshell.api.pset_template.add_pset_template.add_pset_template(file: ifcopenshell.file, name: str = 'New_Pset', template_type: str = 'PSET_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE', applicable_entity: str = 'IfcObject,IfcTypeObject') ifcopenshell.entity_instance ¶
Adds a new property set template
This creates a new template for property sets. A template defines what the name of the property set should be, what properties it can have, what entities (e.g. wall) the property set can be assigned to, whether it should be assigned at a type or occurrence level, the data types of the properties, and descriptions of the properties. This template can then be used as a project, company, or local government standard.
buildingSMART itself ships a catalogue of property sets using these templates, ensuring that internationally common properties (e.g. fire rating of a wall) are all implemented exactly the same way across all vendors and projects. Naturally, not everything can be standardised internationally, so this allows you to create your own templates.
You may either create a property template to store properties, or a quantity template to store quantities. For convenience, we will always call them “property templates” as they are conceptually very similar.
This function only creates a template for the property set, not the properties themselves within the property set. At this level, you are allowed to define the name of the property set, whether it is type or occurrence based, and which entities it applies to.
See the documentation for IfcPropertySetTemplate for instructions on the types of template type and list of applicable entities.
The types of property set templates are:
PSET_TYPEDRIVENONLY - assigned only to types
- PSET_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE - assigned to types or occurrences. If both,
the occurrence overrides the type.
PSET_OCCURRENCEDRIVEN - assigned to occurrences only.
- PSET_PERFORMANCEDRIVEN - assigned as a timeseries data range. This is
only recommended for advanced users.
QTO_TYPEDRIVENONLY - assigned only to types, but for quantities.
- QTO_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE - assigned to types or occurrences, but for
quantities. If both, the occurrence overrides the type.
- QTO_OCCURRENCEDRIVEN - assigned to occurrences only, but for
By default, this creates a template that can be applied to types, but overridden by occurrences, and is applicable to everything.
- Parameters:
name (str,optional) – The name of the property set
applicable_entity (str,optional) – The entity that this template is allowed to be applied to. For example, IfcWall means that the property set may be assigned to walls only. IfcTypeObject, the default, means that the property set may be assigned to any type.
- Returns:
The newly created IfcPropertySetTemplate
- Return type:
# Create a simple template that may be applied to all types ifcopenshell.api.pset_template.add_pset_template(model, name="ABC_RiskFactors") # Note that we aren't finished yet. Our property set template # doesn't have any properties in it. Let's add a minimum of one # property. ifcopenshell.api.pset_template.add_prop_template(model, pset_template=template, name="HighVoltage", description="Whether there is a risk of high voltage.", primary_measure_type="IfcBoolean")