
Module Contents

ifcopenshell.api.system.assign_flow_control.assign_flow_control(file: ifcopenshell.file, relating_flow_element: ifcopenshell.entity_instance, related_flow_control: ifcopenshell.entity_instance) ifcopenshell.entity_instance | None

Assigns to the flow element control element that either sense or control some aspect of the flow element.

Note that control can be assigned only to the one flow element.

  • related_flow_control (ifcopenshell.entity_instance) – IfcDistributionControlElement which may be used to impart control on the flow element

  • relating_flow_element (ifcopenshell.entity_instance) – The IfcDistributionFlowElement that is being controlled / sensed


Matching or newly created IfcRelFlowControlElements. If control is already assigned to some other element method will return None.

Return type:

ifcopenshell.entity_instance, None


flow_element = model.createIfcFlowSegment()
flow_control = model.createIfcController()
relation = ifcopenshell.api.system.assign_flow_control(
    model, related_flow_control=flow_control, relating_flow_element=flow_element